Paeonia 'Man Tian Xing'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]


Heze Flower Garden in 1979.

Man Tian Xing. Crown form, sometimes anemone form occurs. Flowers 17cm x 9cm, bluish pink (55-D); the outer petals 3-4- whorled, large, stiff, flat, suffused with purple at the base; the inner petals sparse, narrowly long, soft, rugose, some petaloid filaments bearing anthers are present, some stamens grow among the petals; pistils small or developed, petaloid, greenish coloured. Stalks stout, faintly purple, flowers upright. Flowering midseason. Plant medium height, partially spreading. Branches stout. Leaves orbicular, large-sized, thick, soft; leaflets elliptic, apex acute, the margins curved upwards, upper surface rough, deep green, suffused with pale purple. Growth vigorous; flowers profuse; tolerant of adverse conditions. Bred by Heze Flower Garden in 1979.

english transl.:

A Stany Sky

xinxin: (suffr.):

Man Tian Xing Crown or anemone form, pinkish blue, flowers facing upward, 17cmx 9cm, big and round outer petals and curved inner petals, delicate fragrance, strong stems, flowers freely in midseason, growth vigorous, 5-6ft. in mature

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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