Paeonia 'Mme. Jules Dessert'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
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Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: MME. JULES DESSERT, ma-dam-zhul-des-sair'. (Dessert, 1909.) 9.4. Double type; very large; late midseason. Long, smooth petals of flesh-white, graduated symmetrically about a hollow, funnel-like center, with a few stamens in its depths, which reflect a yellow glow through its translucent texture; mildly fragrant. Tall; splendid habit; very floriferous; stems occasionally floppy. Good foliage. A very popular and highly regarded sort. Occasionally the guard petals are greenish near the base and sometimes are distinctly marked with green. The center is usually a trifle pinker than the rest of the flower, and always bears a few inconspicuous crimson marks. "Strong stems and perfect habit of growth."Little. "I should rank this among the best dozen."Saunders. "Thoroughly reliable and one of the very best. A beautiful flower and fine plant."Boyd. |
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MME JULES DESSERT (Dessert, 1909) - Double - Flesh-White. Late Midseason. Tall. Mild fragrance. Very large. Long smooth petals of flesh-white, graduated symmetrically about a hollow, funnel-like center, with a few stamens in its depths, which reflect a yellow glow through its translucent texture. Splendid habit. Very floriferous. Stems occasionally floppy. Good foliage. Occasionally the guard petals are greenish near the base and sometimes are distinctly marked with green. The center is usually a trifle pinker than the rest of the flower, and always bears a few inconspicuous crimson marks. M. |
Mad. Jules Dessert, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] weiß überdecktes zartrot |
Madame Jules Dessert (Dessert 1909), cream-white with blush sheen changing to pure white; showing golden anthers. Large flowers, in clusters. Handsome plant of splendid habit. vff. Tall. ml. SD |
MADAME JULES DESSERT (Dessert, 1909], (Double). Fleur à longs pétales rosé chair à reflet saumoné clair au plein épanouissement. Très belle végétation. Plante particulièrement florifère à fleurs dominant bien le feuillage. Presque tardive. H. 1,10 m. |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |