Paeonia 'Mme. Jean Bohin'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
On Y! groups Sep.05 2002: Does someone know "Madame Jean Bohin" (herbaceous peony from Doriat , France ). Simple flower with yellow stamen. Can you say me if this variety is register and when. On catalogues we see Doriat 1931 but Miss Jean Bohin is a woman alive now then it was impossible that Mr Doriat give this name to his plant . Luc. Zone 8 France (Near "Châteaux de la Loire") |
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 9:33 AM Subject: Re: [peony] Madame Jean Bohin Dear Luc, in the APS registration files is (as far as I know) no entry with this name. Unfortunately the majority of the french cultivars has been bred before the APS has been established almost 100 years and so many of the breeders were not more able to register their plants with this autority (if they would have wanted to). But in the case of older cultivars, the publication of the name in a catalogue or book is sufficient too. In the case of Mons. Doriat it seems different, because he had cooperated with the APS in its early years, as some letters in the "Best of 75 years" show. Which catalogue is your source in this case?? I would be happy to get a copy of it in the case it is a historical one. I've started to collect old peony catalogues (and integrate them into my database - The Peony Name Project). Every authentic source is welcome, in special every authentic european source. I have realised, that the APS registrars have been completely respectless to the difference between english and french spelling and left behind all the accents etc. (The same is with the german umlaut too). In the case of Mme Jean Bohin, do you think its possible that this name occurs more than once in France?? By chance? Best regards Carsten y> > Dr. Carsten Burkhardt/Germany |
My sources are : 1-Catalogue DORIAT & FILS & DEBATENE N°18 1932 without this name. 2-Catalogue "LA PIVOINERAIE" with this variety (certainly bought to Marionnet nurseries 3-"Jardins de France" N°8-9 AOUT -SEPTEMBRE 1981 4- "PEONIES" Allan Rogers where there is a mistake : "Madame Jean Bohn = Bohin " p 195 5- Catalogue Marionnet who had bought all the peony collection to Mr Doriat. And I have spoken with Mr Marionnet François who said me that Mr Doriat had noted this variety for a long time with a number and he had given this name with misses Jean Bohin in 1975. Well now i don't know if it's important to register this variety or not. Best regards, Luc Bourdillon, BOURDILLON IRIS, www.bourdillon.com |
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |