Paeonia 'Lu Mu Yin Yu'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]


Heze Flower Garden in 1990.

Lu Mu Yin Yu. Globular form. Flower buds often opening; flowers 20cm x 12cm, at first light (144-D), later white (155-D); the outer petals 2-whorled, slightly large, stiff, green, suffused with light red at the base; the inner petals stiff, wrinkled, crowded, curved over, stamens completely petaloid; pistils developed, petaloid, greenish. Stalks stout, slightly pliable, flowers lateral. Flowering late. Plant tall, partially spreading. Branches stout. Leaves long, large- sized, soft, thick; leaflets long ovate, obtuse at the apex, pendulous. Growth vigorous, flowers normal, tolerant of leaf spot. Bred by Heze Flower Garden in 1990.

english translation:

Jade Hidden in Wavy Curtain

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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