type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
chinese name: |
name in Luoyang*: |
Zhu sha lei |
name in Hezhe*: |
Zhu sha lei |
english translation: |
Red gauze ramparts, Cinnabar Rampart |
Übersetzung: |
Haufen aus roten Kieselsteinen |
Rivière (1995): |
'Zhu Sha Lei' "Haufen aus roten Kieselsteinen" Halbgefüllt. Blüten halbgefüllt, tiefkarminrosa, beinah rot und werden schön aufrecht mit kurzen Stielen über dem Laub getragen. |
Golden Port (2000): |
Pink, lotus shaped, flower size 7" with a delicate fragrance; plant height to 5 feet, produces many branches, and plenty of blossoms, a vigorous plant. |
Rivière: |
ZHU SHA LEI "Le tas de graviers rouges". (Semi-double]. Fleur rosé carminé foncé presque rouge ; plante touffue tenant ses fleurs très droites au-dessus du feuillage. |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Zhu Sha Lei // Red Fortress Light red with slight purple, suffused with purple at the base of petals. Lotus form. Flowers size '' 17cm x 5cm ''; upright; dense fragrance. Plant medium height, partially spreading. Branches stout. Growth vigorous; flowers many. Blossoming midseason. Classic variety. |
ZHU SHA LEI:Chinese tree peony (Red Fortress), on it's own roots, light red, darker in the center full lotus form, many outfacing blossoms. Dense compact bush habit. Midseason, fragrant. 4' |
xinxin: (suffr.): |
Zhu Sha Lei Pink with little purple, lotus form, dense fragrance, upwards flowers 17cmx3cm, short stems, fairly stout branches, flowers freely in midseason, growth vigorous, height to 6ft.in mature. Zhu Sha Lei is widely used for forcing flowers in winter. I strongly recommend this breed to the beginning collectors |
(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Medium size. Early. Short stems hold the semi-double flowers upright. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |