type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
LAVENDER (Saunders, 1939) - Single-Semi-Double -Double - Lilac - Hybrid. A strain. Beautiful pale lilac, becoming more delicate as the flower ages. May prove hard to grow. Albiflora x coriacea. List in Bulletin 129. Saunders 1955 catalog. |
Lavender (1939) E-M. A strain. Lovely pale lilac becoming more delicate as the flower ages.(Albiflora x coriacea) |
LAVENDER The petals of this single flower, are of a lavender pink, harmonising perfectly with the grey green foliage. Pink single, Early, no staking, 30cm. |
(-2 ) A jewel, extremely rare, from professor Saunders. Lavender is a strain of peonies originating from a cross between the peonies Albiflora & Coriacea. It is a simple flower of a soft lavender color which fades to a pale lavender. The flower center is formed with golden stamens and dark lavender or burgundy carpels, contrasting prettily with the lavender coloration fo the petals. Really beautiful flower! Some growers report difficulties to grow this plant but here, it grows very easily! It seems to appreciate our Siberian Saguenay winter! The stems are strong, no support is required. Plant of 75 cm. A rare pearl in a garden (-2) Un joyau rare du professeur Saunders. Lavender vient dun groupe (strain) de pivoines originant dun croisement entre les pivoines Albiflora & coriacea. La fleur est simple avec des pétales dun lilas très doux qui pâlit avec le temps. Le centre de la fleur est formé détamines dorées entourant des carpelles plutôt bourgogne, accentuant la coloration lavande de la fleur. Très très belle fleur. Selon certains producteurs, le plant serait difficile de croissance mais pas ici. Mes plants adorent probablement lhiver Saguenéen car ils sont magnifiques et faciles de culture. Les tiges sont fortes, aucun support requis et le plant porte bien ses fleurs au-dessus du magnifique feuillage. Plant de 75 cm. Un véritable bijou ! |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |