type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
chinese name: |
name in Luoyang*: |
Lan Tian yu |
name in Hezhe*: |
Lan Tian yu |
Rivière (1995): |
'Lan Tian Yu' "Die Jade kommt vom blauen Himmel" Gefüllt. Blüte gefüllt, riesig, rosa mit malvenfarbenem Schein. Schalenförmige, große äußere Petalen umgeben ein kugelförmiges Zentrum aus regelmäßig angeordneten, kleineren Petalen. Nur wenige Staubblätter. |
Osti (1997) |
LAN TIAN YU, «Fragranza e bellezza». Fiore stradoppio, di quella tonalità di rosa leggero che i cinesi definiscono azzurro. Grandi boccioli rotondi, foglie rotonde gialle verdastre, crescita disordinata. |
Osti (1999) |
LAN TIAN YU "Fragrance and Beauty" Flowers: a shade of light pink that the Chinese call sky blue; fully double, large round buds. Leaves: greenish yellow and rounded. Habit: untidy growth. |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Lan Tian Yu // Lantian Jade Pink faintly bluish, petals with purple streaks, suffused with purple at the base. Crown form. Flowers size '' 15cm x 7cm ''; upright; delicate fragrance. Plant dwarf, partially spreading. Branches relatively stout. Growth vigorous; flowers many. Blossoming midseason. One of the best blue variety. Classic variety. |
xinxin: (suffr.): |
Lan Tian Yu Light pinkish blue, crown or anemone form, fleshy flowers 15cmx5cm,facing upwards, big outer petals in 2 rolls, compact inner petals, delicate fragrance, short stems, flowers many in late midseason, dwarf plants with stout branches, round leaves in yellowish green color, 4 ft. in mature |
NTSC (suffr.) |
Lan Tian Yu |
(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Stamens mixed with the inner petals. Medium size. Early midseason. Spreading growth. |
Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute |
Lan Tian Yu (
Blue Garden Jade) Mid season, Crown form, Pink faintly bluish
Crown form. Flowers 15cm x 5cm. Pink faintly bluish. Stalks fairly
short, flowers upright. Flowering late midseason. |
LanTian Yu (PIVOINES ARBUSTIVES CHINOISES): flr. double rosé-mauve très pâle pompon de pétalodes. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |