type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: LA LORRAINE. la-Ior-rain'. (Lemoine, 1901.) 8.6. Double type; large; midseason. Cream-white, tinted pink, darkest in center, with a yellow glow from a few buried stamens; rather poor fragrance. Tall; free-flowering; stout stems. Good foliage. Rather flat when fully open and most attractive. Generally considered an unreliable bloomer, although established, healthy plants are very satisfactory. "In common with many Lemoine peonies, much of the stock of this variety distributed in this country was infested with root-galls (nematodes), and, consequently flowered poorly Stock which has outgrown this pest is strong and floriferous, bearing immense flowers of fine color and form. I believe many votes in the symposium were made from observation of diseased stock, resulting in the too low rating."Fewkes. |
La Lorraine (Lemoine 1901), creamy flesh to pure white showing golden anthers. Incurved large flowers borne in clusters. Good foliage. Scented. t.ff.em. SD |
La Lorraine, [ P. sinensis c) Gefüllt und halbgefüllt blühende Pracht-Pfingstrosen 1. Grundton rot] dunkelrot, mfr. |
LA LORRAINE (Lemoine, 1901) - Double - White - Midseason. Tall. Rather poor fragrance. Large, cream white, tinted pink, darkest in center, with yellow glow from a few buried stamens. Free-blooming; stout stems. Good foliage. Rather flat when fully open and most attractive. Generally considered an unreliable bloomer, although established, healthy plants are very satisfactory. M. |
LA LORRAINE Flower type: PeonyDouble Size: 36" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Mid Hybridizer: Lemoine
Large, cream white bloom with yellow glowing stamens showing through a dark center, which is complimented by nice foliage. Free blooming.
LA LORRAINE Another of the precious "old ones", and a delightful one at that. Petals of a very delicate pink, with a few flashes of red. It takes 3 year or two to settle in after being planted, but is well worth the wait. Pink Double, Mid season fragrant, 90cm. LA LORRAINE Pink, Double, Late, Fragrant. 90cm. Another of the precious "old ones". Petals of a delicate pink with a few flashes of red. |
'La Lorraine' (Lemoine 1913) : fl. double, très pleine, jaune à rosé chamoisé , |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'La Lorraine' Lemoine 1901 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |