type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [Japanese botan] - [Kan Botan]??
origin: |
Japan, before 1940 |
The Chugai Nursery, Yamamoto, Japan, Catalog 1940-1941: Tree peony, Winter-Flowering Peonies, (Everblooming Peonies) Winter flowering peonies have their beautiful flowers from the beginning of November till January and again they flower in spring together with ordinary spring flowering peonies, hence the name of ever-blooming peonies. Their flowers are as large and beautiful as spring flowering varieties. There is very rare exception of not flowering in winter. however, but in whitch case it will flower in next winter |
Wister (1961): |
'Hino-tsukasa' (King of the Scarlets)(Ashes of the Setting Sun) (Jap. bef.1931) |
(Japanese tree peony - Red Flowering group) Medium size. Red globular sheath. No purplish line on the leafstalk. Dwarf. Midseason. |
Ariga (1993) |
HI-NO-TSUKASA (Herr des Purpur) Reines Purpur. Die Kronblätter sind einbogen und in tausendfacher Blüte. Große Blüte. Frühblühend. Geeignet als Topfpflanze. Unter den Strauchpäonien ist das Purpur der Sorte am dunkelsten. |
Rivière (1995): |
'Hino Tsukasa' 'König der Roten" Sorte japanischer Herkunft. Halbgefüllt, brilliantrot, mit rotem Stempel. |
The Chugai Nursery cataloge groups it into the winter flowering group, Hashida not |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |