type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
origination: |
KANSAS (Bigger, 1940) - Double - Red - Early. 30" high. Bright clear red, containing almost no blue. Fades very little, if any. Dependable bloomer every year. Buds all open and color carries better than most reds. Stems strong. Large bloom. Mr. Bigger's 1955 list says 1942. Bulletin 80 shows it registered in 1940. |
'Kansas' (Bigger, 1941),** ,S ,1-3/ 80-100,80,mittelfrüh,leuchtend karminrot,C1-2,Standfest; schöne Blutenform. |
KANSAS (Bigger) Early bright red, held high on one of the strongest items in the field. The dark green foliage is clean and the plant has always been healthy. The flower is full double with a few hidden stamens. Kansas is tops as a cut flower and in the show room. It won The American Home Achievement Medal in 1942. A very showy flower. Easily grown and blooms freely. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Kansas' (Bigger, U.S.A., 1940) Bloemen rood met licht blauwlila weerschijn, gevuld, vroeg; bladeren dof donkergroen; hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels goed tot zeer stevig; vertakking matig tot goed. Ondanks dat de bloemen zeer groot zijn (soms wel 20 cm in doorsnede), zijn de bloemstelen voldoende stevig. 'Kansas' is licht gevoelig voor Botiytis, maar desondanks als snijpioen zeer gewaardeerd. |
'Kansas' (USA Bigger 1940). Vollendet geformte, rotgefüllte Bl mit einem Hauch blau. Standfest |
KANSAS (Bigger, 1940). Imagine: une immense fleur dépassant 22 cm de diamètre, régulière, très pleine, tenant longtemps, d'un rouge rosé brillant et vif.Ajoutez à cela que la plante a des tiges toujours droites et solides portant haut la fleur au-dessus du feuillage vert foncé large et bien dru Précoce. H. 1 m. |
Sevald: |
KANSAS (Bigger, 1940) Light red double, early midseason. Very large, well formed blooms, on exceptionally strong stems. This variety sets a high standard, both in the garden and on the show table |
KANSAS (LM)(Bigger) Early bright red, held high on strong stems; full double with a few hidden stamens; a good cut flower; APS Gold Medal winner |
Kansas Beautiful large double, rich clear pink-red flowers. A compact, frilly bloom borne on upright stems above a robust clump of leaves. Excellent for cutting. |
Kansas* (Bigger 1940) M. Double; rosy red to deep pink, gorgeous exhibition form, but requires tolerance to accept the claim of red color. Medium height, good grower, stems strong. Gold Medal 1957. |
Bloom Period: Week 5 Fragrance: No Side Buds: 1 or 2 per stem Comments: Often listed as red, but to my eye the flowers are deep pink. Mature plants can produce very large flowers. An extremely floriferous peony I would recommend this plant to just about anyone looking for a peony capable of putting on a great display every year. Another winner of the American Peony Society Gold Medal. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
Kansas (Bigger, 1940) Red, double, mid season, 36" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Rose-type flowers of watermelon-red on strong dark green stems. APS Gold Medal winner, 1957. © 2007 Adelman Peony Gardens |
KANSAS Flower type: PeonyDouble Size: 36" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Early Hybridizer: Myron Bigger
Large, double flowers of watermelon red that hold their rich color throughout bloom time. Big strong grower. Excellent for the back of perennial borders.
Plant Delights Nursery 2005 |
Paeonia 'Kansas' (Kansas Peony) SunZone: 4-8 36" tall Origin: Hybrid
This wonderful peony has been another star in our heat tolerance trials and one of the best of the doubles in our studies. The 36" tall stems are topped in May with large double bright watermelon-pink (RHS 66A) flowers. M. Bigger's hybrid Paeonia 'Kansas' is the 1959 winner of the American Peony Society's Gold Medal Award.
KANSAS:Bright clear red double blooms early on strong, 30" stems. Early mid-season. |
'Kansas' (Bigger 1940) : grande fl. double, rouge vif brillant, 1m, précoce |
Hamilton: |
Buffa: |
This picture is from the website: http://ogrody.agrosan.pl/peonie/peonie.html |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Kansas' Bigger 1940 |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |