Paeonia 'Kame- no - kegoromo'
type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Japanese Peonies, page 58. *Flamboyant (Kameno-kegoromo). (Origin unknown.) 8.5 (Sym. 1925). Violet-crimson. |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies] FLAMBOYANT. (Origin unknown.) 8.5. Japanese type; large; midseason. Guard petals cupped, becoming lax with age, dark rose-red or light crimson; center rather short, composed of yellow staminodes tinged whitish on the outer surface; carpels pale yellow-green, ruddy at the base and crimson at the top; rank odor. Tall; strong growth; floriferous. Foliage dark green and somewhat crinkled. This variety is catalogued frequently as Kame-no-kegpromo or Karagoma. It is an excellent sort, a little later than the well-liked King of England. "I thjnk it a mistake to talk about 'rank odor' of Japs and Singles. Peonies having pollen-bearing stamens or partially transformed staminodes are not sweet-scented. They do not stink or have a disagreeable smell."Little. |
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KAMENO-KEGOROMO (FLAMBOYANT ) - Jap. - Violet Crimson - M. KAMENO-KEROGAMA - Jap. - Red. Clear red with yellow petaloids. Bulletin 66, page 15 spells it KAMENO-KARO-GAMA. Wassenberg catalog, 1954. |
FLAMBOYANT (Origin unknown) - Jap. Red - Midseason. Tall. Rank color. Large. Guard petals cupped, becoming lax with age. Dark rose-red or light crimson; center rather short, composed of yellow staminodes tinged whitish on the outer surface; carpels pale yellow-green, ruddy at base and crimson at the top. Strong growth; floriferous. Foliage dark green and somewhat crinkled. This variety is catalogued frequently as KAMENO-KEGOROMO or Karagomo. It is an excellent sort, a little later than the well-liked King of England. M. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Kame- no - kegoromo' (Japan, vóór 1913) Japanse. Bloemen helderrood, enkel; centrum met vele crèmekleurige tot gele petalokden; hoogte 75 cm. Dit is een uit Japan afkomstige pioen met een zeer mooie bloemkleur. De schrijfwijzen 'Kameno kerogama', 'Kameno kerogoma' en 'Kameno karo-gama' zijn onjuist! |
Kameno Kegoromo' Japan) (Syn.: Flamboyant'),** ,B,1-3/ 70-90,80,spät |
KAMONA KEROGANA dark mahogany red grace this single peony, with a golden eye. The plnnt is tidy, with deep green foliage. Red single, Mid season No staking 8Scm KAMONA KEROGANA Red, single, Mid season 80cm. Dark mahogany red single peony, with a golden eye. Deep green foliage.
© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |