type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: LE CYGNE. le-seen'. (Lemoine, 1907.) 9.9. Double type; very large; early. White, tinged ivory, becoming pure white without markings as it develops; moderately fragrant. Medium height; fairly floriferous; stems usually stiff but occasionally lax at the base. Foliage large, dark green. Its broad, overlapped, incurving petals and compact form make this one of the most perfect peonies, but the flowers are not always profusely borne, and they are not uniformly perfect. When good, it is the acme of quality, but there are some seasons when it is not up to standard. "With me a regular and abundant bloomer." Saunders. "Seems to do much better in the East than the West. Likes a heavy clay soil. When well grown and well shown, no other peony can compare with it. With me it is wonderfully fine and very reliable."Boyd. |
Le Cygne (Lemoine 1907), pure milk-white, amber coloured buds. Perfect form. Large. e. |
LE CYGNE (Lemoine, 1907) - Double - White - Early. Medium height. Moderate fragrance. Very large. White, tinged ivory, becoming pure white without markings as it develops; fairly floriferous; stems usually stiff, but occasionally lax at the base. Foliage large, dark green. Its broad overlapped, incurving petals and compact form make this one of the most perfect peonies, but the flowers are not always profusely borne, and they are not uniformly perfect. When good, it is the acme of quality, but there are some seasons when it is not up to standard. M. |
'Le Cygne' (Lemoine, 1907),Li, 1-3/ 80-100,80,früh,Creme-weiß,C1,Ausladend; verzweigt. |
Sevald: |
LE CYGNE (Lemoine, France, 1907) White double, early midseason, fragrant. The name is French for "The Swan," for the wide petals of these large beautiful flowers are gently curved, and gracefully placed, like the feathers on the wings of a swan. This variety has probably won more grand champion ribbons than any other variety. Its broad foliage is dark green. It has been used extensively by hybridizers. Yet, with all its fine qualities, it is not without fault, and while it is a favorite with many gardeners, others feel it is unpredictable from year to year. We feel that an occasional disappointing season will be more than offset by the magnificence of the good |
'Le Cygne' /Lemoine/1907 |
Cygne Season Early
Mid-season Type Single Color
White Size Large Details
(Lemoine 1907) |
Le Cygne (Lemoine, 1907) Ivory-white, double, fragrant, early-midseason, 34" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Name means 'The Swan'. A very large, perfectly formed double, opening creamy white, aging to pure white with a touch of green at the heart. A long-time favorite. |
'Le Cygne' (Lemoine 1907) : grande flr. double blanc pur, 80cm, florifère, mi-saison |
plate 17 |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Le Cygne' Lemoine 1907 |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |