Paeonia 'Accent'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]



ACCENT (26-62)—Myron D. Bigger, 201 N. Rice Road. Topeka, Kansas 66616, 1979. Parentage unknown. A fragrant full rose type dark red. A very well proportioned flower on a thirty-inch stem with tough dark green foliage. Medium size bloom.

ACCENT (1979) - Rose type, dark red.

Accent (Bigger 1979) Late. Full Double, a large and neatly sculpted darker red flower with excellent clarity for the Lactiflora Group, has side-buds. Medium height bush is strong, flowers are favorably close to the foliage but stems will lean with rain. Not for long enough under observation here for a more confident classification, but seems comparable to others we have labeled ”best landscaper”. It is a vigorous grower and soon forms a mature clump. Item 1983.

(D R M) A fine newer red double peony.  It is moderately fragrant - an uncommon virtue in red peonies.  Excellent foliage and strong stiff stems.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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