type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies] ISANI GIDUI. (Origin unknown.) 9.3. Japanese type; very large; midseason. Two rows of very broad, rounded, smooth guard petals of pure white; center a rounded mass of thin staminodes of rich buff-yellow; carpels green, tipped pale yellow; fragrance not good. Moderately tall; vigorous; floriferous, with slightly bending stems and crinkled foliage. Considered the most beautiful white Japanese peony. The flowers are extremely large and almost perfectly shaped. According to information received from Japan by Mr. Franklin B. Mead, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., the correct name of this peony is Isami Tishi, which means Smiling Lion. The present name is so well established, unfortunately, that it seems undesirable to attempt to correct it. "A careful study of this variety and Tora-no-maki revealed no difference whatever."Fewkes. "Two rows of guard petals (?)"Little. |
ISANI GIDUI (Origin unknown) - Jap. - White - Midseason. Moderately tall. Fragrance, not good. Very large. Two rows of very broad, rounded smooth guard petals of pure white; center a rounded mass of thin staminodes of rich buff-yellow; carpels green, tipped pale yellow. Vigorous. Floriferous, with slightly bending stems and crinkled foliage. Considered the most beautiful white Japanese peony. The flowers are extremely large and almost perfectly shaped. According to information received from Japan the correct name of this peony is ISAMI JISHI, which means SMILING LION. M. ISAMI JISHI - Same as ISANI GIDUI. Jap. - White Midseason - M. ETOILE BLANCHE - See ISANI GIDUI - Jap. - White - M. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Isami -jishi' (syn. 'Isani guidi') (Japan, vóór 1928) Japanse. Bloemen wit (in de knop roze), bestaande uit twee rijen naar binnen gebogen tepalen, enkel, middelvroeg; meeldraden crèmegeel, een kussentje vormend; hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels op veengrond slap, op zwaardere grond stevig; vertakking matig. Een cultivar die gevoelig lijkt voor Botrytis, maar de keuringsconunissie vond een positief oordeel toch gerechtvaardigd. Op zwaardere grond groeit de plant beter. |
Zeppelin (2001) |
'Isani Gidui' (Herkunft unbekannt). Weiße Blütenschale, doppelter Blütenblattkranz mit schwefelgelber Mitte. Lange und reich blühend! |
ISANI GIDUI (M)(Origin Unknown) One of the most beautiful white Imperials; two rows of rounded guard petals surround a mass of buff-yellow staminodes; green carpels are tipped pale yellow; medium height |
ISANI JiSHI (Japonaise). Cette variété dont le renom est justifié, porte deux rangs de pétales blanc pur, joliment ondulés, entourant une houppe de pétaloides jaune teinté buffle. Très vigoureuse. Mi-saison. H. 0,85 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |