type: [intersectional hybrid]
origination: |
Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA |
HILLARY (Anderson) Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, WI, Jan. 19, 1999, Semi-double to double red blend - herbaceous x tree hybrid. Seed parent Bartzella. open pollinated. First bloomed 1990. Divided 1993 - 24-26" height. Red and yellow blend, with yellow fading to cream on outer facing petals. Inner petals remain red and give the bloom that inner glow effect. Excellent plant habit. One of my six favorite herbaceous tree hybrids. No fertility noted. |
Osti (1997) |
HILLARY (R. ANDERSON). Fiori doppi, rossi, grandi che appassiscono sbiadendo fino a un crema pallido. La pianta ha uno sviluppo contenuto. Mantiene molto a lungo il fogliame, fiorisce a metà stagione. |
Osti (1999) |
HILLARY Raised by Roger Anderson. Flowers: red, becoming paler, finally cream; double, large, mid - season flowering. Leaves: long lasting. Habit: compact. |
Hilliary Opens loose double red with very fine plant habit and dark green foliage. In full sun blooms handsomely fade to a cream on the outside of the petals while the inner petals retain the red color |
Huge double flowers of a very dark pink at the opening that fades gradually to a cream color on the upper part of the petals whereas the lower part keeps its red-rose coloration. A spectacular effect.! A chameleon! When the peony reaches its maturity and hold a multitude of flowers with different fading stages, it is a real traffic stopper! Height: 90 cm. Start blooming at mid season. Fragrant. Fleurs doubles dun rose très foncé à louverture qui fade joliment en une couleur crème sur les pétales extérieurs alors que les pétales intérieurs conservent leur couleur rouge surtout au centre. À voir! Surtout lorsque le plant est mature et quil porte une multitude de fleurs à des stades différents de décoloration. Plant pouvant atteindre 90 cm. Fleurit en mi saison. |
Elizabeth Babb on webshots 2005: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |