type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
origination: |
EARLY SCOUT (Auten, 1952) - Single - Red - Very Early - Hybrid. A very dark red, very early. Blooms before the other hybrids. Cut foliage. Distinct. Albiflora RICHARD CARVEL x Tenuifolia. List - Bulletin 129. |
'Early Scout' (Auten, 1952),Li,B,1-3/ 70-90,50,s.früh,blutrot- tief rot,A1,Geschlitztes Blatt (von P. tenufolia); einfach. |
EARLY SCOUT (Hybrid) One of the earliest of all peonies to bloom. A very dark red single. Cut leaf foliage which makes a very attractive plant even after the flowers have gone. Fine landscape variety. Blooms hold well when cut. |
EARLY SCOUT (E)(Auten) A dwarf (21") crimson red single with pretty blooms about 3" in diameter; deep green fine cut foliage; a gem for the rock garden and one of the earliest hybrids to bloom |
EARLY SCOUT Very similar to Early Bird, but with slightly coarser foliage and darker red flower. Red single, Early, 50cm
Blooming Period: Week 2 Fragrance: Faint Side Buds: No Comments: Early Scout has inherited the dissected foliage from its parent P. tenuifolia. Though not as fine as P. tenuifolia I prefer this foliage as it resists the heat of summer somewhat better. The flowers are small and in perfect proportion to the foliage. A low growing plant barely reaching 60 cm (24") it is a great peony for the rock garden or the front of the perennial border. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
EARLY SCOUT (Auten, 1952). (Richard Carvel x Tenuifolia) (Simple). Buisson dense à feuillage de bruyère montrant les caractéristiques de Tenuifolia. Très belle fleur rouge. Très précoce. Idéal pour rocailles. H. 0,45 à 0,50 m. |
EARLY SCOUT:Another hybrid of the fern leaf peony, but this time the other parent is a double red garden peony. Foliage finely divided, the flowers are very dark crimson and vary from single to semi-double. 21" stems. Very early. |
Early Scout (Auten, 1952) Red, single, very early, 21" tall, hybrid. The very dark, crimson-red flowers are set off by the dark green, finely dissected foliage from the tenuifolia parent. |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Early Scout' Auten 1952 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |