type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
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EARLY GLOW (Don Hollingsworth, Kansas City, Missouri), Jan. 17, 1992. Seedling #945, single hybrid. Parentage, Saunders seedling of Roselette's Child x Cream Delight. First year bloomed, before 1980. This early pastel bufiy ivory, single, hybrid has crimson stigmas with large flowers set close to the foliage. Sidebuds which extend flowering into midseason. Broad bush, good substance, fertile excellent in the landscape. Height to 30 inches. Bulletin #281. |
Early Glow (Hollingsworth 1992) Early-Midseason. Single; light yellow, passing to ivory, crimson highlights at center, excellent substance. Occasional side buds extend flowering and breeding options. Large leaflets are avocado green, stems spreading, and wide but strong bush remains green to latest autumn; very vigorous, excellent in the landscape, one of the best for landscape design. (Roselettes Grandchild x Cream Delight) fertile, pollen and seeds, presumed tetraploid |
(-2) A fairly new introduction of the breeder Don Hollingsworth. Excellent perennial for the garden with beautiful foliage all season long. Simple flower form with slightly undulated petals of a pale yellow and a golden center with red accents coming from the carpels. Beginning of mid-season bloomer. Plant of 85 cm. Fertile hybrid with an impressive genetic (Roselettes Grandchild x Cream Delight) deserving to be well used in breeding. (-2) Une pivoine récemment introduite sur le marché par lhybrideur Don Hollingsworth. Elle excelle comme plante de jardin par sa tenue et son beau feuillage qui conserve sa tenue et sa couleur toute la saison. La fleur est simple, avec des pétales légèrement ondulés dun jaune très pâle, plutôt crème et un cur détamines dorées doù ressort des accents dun rouge vif provenant des carpelles. Floraison en début de mi-saison. Plant de 85 cm. Hybride fertile dont le bagage héréditaire (Roselettes Grandchild x Cream Delight) mérite de lutiliser dans des programmes dhybridation. |
Elizabeth Babb on webshots 2007: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |