type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
DOREEN (Sass, 1949) - Jap. - Light Rose Pink. Midseason to late midseason. Medium height. Guards: well rounded, large, medium light rose pink. Staminodes : yellow, suffused with color of the guards. Anthers transformed to yellow tips and edges to the staminodes. Carpels; small, green, turning dull red. Stigmas: bright red. Disc not evident. Foliage: light green, medium sized. Stems: strong, medium height. A distinctive flower of several shades of pink. Bulletin 122. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Doreen' (Sass, U.S.A., 1949) Japanse. Bloemen lichtroze, enkel, middelvroeg; meeldraden geel tot goudgeel, fors; bladeren groen tot lichtgroen; hoogte 80 cm; bloemstengels stevig; vertakking goed . Deze bijzonder mooie cultivar maakt een gezonde indruk en heeft korte, stevige stengels. Tijdens de keuringsperiode is geen enkele keer Botrytis waargenomen. |
Blooming Period: Week 5 Fragrance: Faint Side Buds: 1 or 2 per stem Comments: The guard petals are magenta rose in colour while the centre is an interesting frilly yellow. The foliage is light green and leaf margins are crimped adding an interesting texture to the plant. Flowers a day or two after 'Westerner' with flowers of the same form and size, only a few shades darker. They look great planted together! © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
Doreen (Sass, 1949) Magenta-rose, Japanese, slightly fragrant, midseason, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar. The magenta-rose outer petals are set off by a massive center of golden petaloids. A distinctive flower. |
DOREEN (F)(M)(Sass) Bright rose pink Imperial type infused with several other shades of pink and a lovely fragrance; mass of deep golden petaloids in the center is fringed with silvery gold; tall with strong stems |
ClaireAustin: |
Doreen Wide fuchsia pink guard petals contain a centre of frilly slim, golden yellow petaloids. A free flowering, heavily scented variety with glossy leaves. |
Doreen (H. E. Sass 1949) L. Japanese form; medium pink outer petals, staminodes yellow suffused pink, red center highlights. Light fragrance. Medium height, spreading stems, long lasting leaflets; vigorous, tolerant. Seeds. |
'Doreen' (Sass 1949) : grande flr. simple rosé fuchsia /grandes étamines petaloïdes jaune doré, parfumée, 1m, mi-saison 'Doreen' (Sass 1949) : or. hort., fl. semi-double, rose-fushia, nombreux pétaloides froissés rosés et dorés, parfumée, 85cm, mi-saison. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |