type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
origination: |
CORAL 'N GOLD - Lyman Cousins-Roy Klehm, June 25, 1981. Seedling #72-4; single hybrid; bloomed about 1968; parentage unknown. Coral, cup-shaped single; has stamens, pollen, no seeds, no fragrance; 36-inch height, strong stems. Early, vigorous hybrid with most attractive cup-shaped coral blooms with contrasting thick and highly golden stamens. The flowers have a double row of guard petals which surround this golden center. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Coral 'n Gold' (Cousins Klehm U.S.A., 1981) Bloemen zalmkleurig oranje (RHS CC 52A, Red Group, later 58D/63C, Red Purple Group), halfgevuld, matig geurend; bladeren groen, blaadjes smal, oppervlakte iets onregelmatig; hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels stevig; vertakking matig tot slecht. Helaas heeft deze pioen enkele negatieve eigenschappen. De vertakking laat veel te wensen over en de plant is bovendien gevoelig voor Botrytis. De bloemkleur is daarentegen zó uniek en opvallend, dat deze cultivar niet uit het sortiment mag verdwijnen, vandaar de waardering met een 's' (bijv. liethebbersplant). |
CORAL N' GOLD Code: 5PEOCOG Flower type: PeonySingle Size: 36" Plant zone(s): 2-8 Bloom time: Early, Hybrid Hybridizer: Lyman Cousins-Roy G. Klehm
Excellent rose-coral single. Large, cupped coral petals surround a golden yellow center. From Lyman Cousins Innerglow hybrid line. Sweet fragrance.
CORAL AND GOLD Almost into orange this outstanding coral single has prominent gold stamens. A real collectors item, Has a delightful poppy like appearance, and adds a texturc contrast to the heavier peonies. C.single, E 85Cm CORAL & GOLD Coral, single, Early, 75cm. A tantalising deep apricot single with prominent gold stamens. |
Flower Form: Semi-double Staking: No Height:60-90 cm Bloom Period: Week 5 Fragrance: No Side Buds: No Comments: A vigorous plant with coral flowers. The centre is full of golden stamens. This peony was bred by Mr. Lyman Cousins of Ontario and subsequently registered with the American Peony Society by Roy Klehm. Like the other peonies of this shade, they look stunning when planted with plants having violet or blue flowers. © 2007 La Pivonière D'Aoust |
CORAL 'N GOLD (F)(E)(Cousins-Klehm) A wide cupped-shaped vivid, yet soft coral single with a massive center of bright golden yellow stamens; strong upright grower about 30 inches tall, |
Coral 'n Gold (Cousins-Roy Klehm, 1981) Coral-peach, single, midseason, 34" tall, hybrid. Deep coral cup-shaped flowers enhanced by a center of golden stamens. Our floral arranger's favorite! |
'N' Gold
Season Early Type
Single Color Coral Size
36" Details (Lyman Cousins-Roy
Kehlm, 1981) |
Wilhelm de Wilde 2007 |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |