type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]
CINCINNATI (Krekler 1962) D.M. DP. Midseason deep pink, double with silvered edges, tall. Bulletin #166 September 1962. |
CINCINNATI (M)(Krekler) Deep pink double with a bit of silver edging on the tips of the petals, an effect that makes this peony stand out in the garden; some golden stamens show through the petals, |
CINCINNATI Interesting crab apple pink blooms with petals tipped with silver. Turns on a wonderful performance year aftcr year, and is of a colour thal blcnds beautifully with all the pink s. Semi double, Mid season 100cm. CINCINNATI Pink, Semi double, Mid season 100cm. Lovely crab apple pink blooms with petals tipped with silver. |
M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 144: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |