type: [tree peony] [suffruticosa group] [China central plains cultivar group]
Ouyang Xiu (1034) Records of Luoyang Peony |
YAO YELLOW has multiple petals and yellow flowers. It originated with the Yao family less than a decade ago. The Yao family lives at Pai Ssu-ma Slope, in Hoyang. However, this flower did not spread here, but rather spread to Loyang. Even in Loyang they are scarce and only a few sprays are produced each year. |
Rivière (1995): |
'Yao Huang' Das Gelbe Phantom" Einfach Blüte gefüllt, cremeweiß, nahezu gelb getönt. Die Staubblätter spiegeln sich in den Petalen und lassen sie gelb erscheinen. Die äußeren großen Blütenblätter umgeben ein kugelförmiges Zentrum aus kleinen Petalen. |
Osti (1999) |
YAO HUANG, «Gialla di Yao». Famosa varietà di Luoyang coltivata già durante la dinastia Song, che prende il nome dalla famiglia Yao, i vivaisti che l'hanno prodotta. In Cina è considerata una delle peonie più belle, tanto che viene pure chiamata regina delle peonie, regina delle regine quindi, dato che la peonia è la regina dei fiori. Fiore giallo crema, stradoppio, a forma di anemone, portamento eretto su un fogliame verde scuro. Fioritura medio - tardiva, profumo delicato. YAO HUANG "Yao's Yellow" The famous variety from Luoyang that was already being grown during the Song Dynasty. It was named after the Yao family whose nursery produced it. In China it is considered one of the most beautiful peonies, and is thus called King of the Peonies, that is King of Kings, as the peony is the King of Flowers. Flowers: creamy yellow; fully double, anemone form, delicately scented, mid - season to late flowering. Leaves: dark green. Habit: erect. |
(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Creamy white. Stamens scattered amongst the inner petals, giving the flower a yellow appearance than the petal colour. A strong stem holds the flower upright. Medium size. Late midseason.
Golden Port (2000): |
Light yellow, crown shaped flowers, full, elegant with a certain glow, a favorite from ancient time in China and has been recognized as the king of flowers, flower size 6" with a delicate fragrance; plant height to 7 feet; a free bloomer; a rare variety. |
NTSC (suffr.) |
Yao Huang |
peonyworld/ (suffr.) |
Yao Huang // Yao's Yellow Yellowish, purple blotches at the base of the petals. Crown form, sometimes golden circle form occurs. Flowers '' 16cm x 10cm ''; upright; delicate fragrance. Plant tall, erect. Branches relatively slender, stiff. Growth fairly vigorous; flowers many, normal, neatform. Blossoming midseason. It is known as " the King of Tree Peonies ". Classic variety. |
xinxin: (suffr.): |
Yao Huang "Yao Huang", known as the "King of flowers", is one of famous traditional yellow varieties. Light yellow, crown or anemone form, upwards flowers 16cm x 10cm, shining elegant flowers over leaves with special oriental flavor, delicate fragrance, flat round buds, upright stems, narrow and stiff branches, growth vigorous. It is a perfect breed to decorate home gardens. |
Yaohuang Light yellow, anemone-shaped, shining elegant flowers over leaves, flat round buds, upright stems, thin stiff branches, known as 'Queen of Flowers'. |
Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute |
Yao Huang ( Yao's
Yellow) Mid season, Crown form, Yellow Crown form, sometimes
golden circle form. Flowers 16cm x 10cm, yellowish. Stalks long,
straight, flowers upright. Flowering midseason. |
Yao Huang (PIVOINES ARBUSTIVES CHINOISES): flr. très double pleine, cur d'étamines pétaloïdes serré, étamines visibles jaunes au milieu des pétales, parfum d'amande |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |