Paeonia 'Privet Altaya'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]

russian name:

origination: - Lutchnik, Soviet Union 1963

description of Kapinos & Dubrow (1993):

hybrid, gf-Rose, 2-reihig, Petalen groß, gewellt, 12cm, hell-flieder-rosa, Staminodien gelb, 110cm, Stiele aufrecht, Laub mit langen Segmenten, grün, stark duftend, mittel-früh.

double-rose-form, 2 layers, petals large, wavy, 12cm, light-lilac-rosy, staminoids yellow, 110cm, stems upright, leaves with long segments, green, very fragrant, early midseason.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database
