Paeonia 'Ou Si Kui'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]


Classic variety.

The Luoyang pepony:

Ou Si Kui. Crown form, sometimes anemone form occurs. Flowers 14cm x 6cm, light pinkish purple faintly bluish (65-D); the outer petals 2-whorled, large, usually toothed, suffused with purple at the base; the inner petals soft, rugose, with purple streaks in petal centre, some petaloid filaments bearing anthers are present; pistils petaloid or smaller. Stalks short, flowers hidden among the leaves. Flowering midseason. Plant medium to dwarf, partially spreading. Branches stout. Leaves orbicular, medium-sized, thick, soft; leaflets ovate, apex obtuse, the terminal leaflet apex pendulous, upper surface deep green, suffused with purple. Growth vigorous, but flowers relatively few. Classic variety.

NTSC (suffr.)

Ou Si Kui

peonyworld/ (suffr.)

Ou Si Kui // Queen of Lotus-root Threads Light pinkish purple faintly bluish, suffused with purple at the base of the petals. Crown form, sometimes anemone form occurs. Flowers size '' 14cm x 6cm ''; hidden among the leaves; delicate fragrance. Plant medium to dwarf, partially spreading. Branches stout. Growth medium. Blossoming midseason. Classic variety.

xinxin: (suffr.):

Ou Si Kui Pinkish blue, crown or anemone form, flowers 14cmx6cm, short stems, sometimes flowers under the leaves, delicate fragrance, flowers midseason, stout branches, vigorously growing

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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