Paeonia 'Goldilocks'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [herbaceous hybrid]



GOLDILOCKSGOLDILOCKS (6502) - Oriental Gold x Claire de Lune, Ben Gilbertson, Kindred, North Dakota, 1975. Light yellow double hybrid. Ball form, one to three buds per stem. No pollen, does have seeds, no fragrance, no stamens. Average amount of bloom. First bloomed 1970. Height 28". Very adequate stem strength to hold the flower. This plant does not show any evidence of the variety Claire de Lune. It appears quite similar to Oriental Gold above ground but the root system almost typical Lactiflora and unlike either of its parents. Earlier bloom than Oriental Gold. Light green foliage; does not have yellow-green sprouts when emerging as Oriental Gold.

Goldilocks (Gilbertson 1975) Early midseason. Best Landscaper Anemone to Bomb type; outer petals opaque light yellow, large center ball of the same hue when mature. On younger plants and smaller stems the flower is smaller and the center is anemone form, of deeper yellow, translucent petalodes, guard petals sometimes a bit ragged. May not develop typical most pleasing flower form until well-grown maturity. Medium height strong stems, spreading bush. Large green leaflets are durable. Unique progeny of Oriental Gold and Claire de Lune; presumed diploid; no pollen, stigmas often feathered, but sometimes useable for pollination. Limited supply. Item 0782.

Goldilocks (Gilbertson, 1975) Yellow, anemone to bomb-type double, slight fragrance, late-midseason, 28" tall, hybrid. As the plant matures the flower form turns from anemone to a bomb-type double. A gorgeous yellow that will stand out in the flower bed. Hard to find.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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